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POLARIS Founder Morgan Ortagus Travels to Ukraine and Interviews Mayor of Lviv

POLARIS Founder Morgan Ortagus Travels to Ukraine and Interviews Mayor of Lviv

Under attack from Russia, many citizens in eastern Ukraine fled to Lviv, where thousands of women and children seek refuge from the war.

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America’s Silent National Security Threat — Opioids

America’s Silent National Security Threat — Opioids

Over the last decade, a superpower has quietly invaded a peaceful country and killed hundreds of thousands of its citizens. The superpower isn’t Russia, and the victims aren’t Ukrainians. The weapons of war aren’t …

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Biden Caves to Russian and Iranian interests

Biden Caves to Russian and Iranian interests

President Biden allowed Russia to do the U.S. bidding when negotiating a new nuclear deal with Iran. Russia says Iran got much more than expected. As featured in: The New York Times, Fox News, The Jerusalem Post, and …

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Biden is Silent on Human Rights in Iran

Biden is Silent on Human Rights in Iran

When the Iranian regime massacres its citizens in the streets, the Biden Administration does not stand up for human rights.

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Democrats Want to Release Terrorists From Our Federal Prisons

Democrats Want to Release Terrorists From Our Federal Prisons

Far-left proposals seek to end our federal prison system, giving 9/11 planners, the Boston Bomber, and hardened terrorists a second chance.

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John Kerry: Biden "literally had not been aware"

John Kerry: Biden "literally had not been aware"

John Kerry admits in interview with French TV that Joe Biden had no idea about the fallout with the French from the AUKUS sub deal. As featured in: Fox News, The National Review, & The Hill

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