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One year ago, Israel suffered the most devastating attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Hamas terrorists savagely killed over 1,200 people, including over 40 Americans, and kidnapped hundreds of innocent civilians. They committed barbaric acts – beheading babies, raping teenage women, and slaughtering the young and old – in broad daylight.

This terrorist attack did not happen in a vacuum. The failed foreign policy of the Biden-Harris Administration allowed Iran access to tens of billions of dollars, which went to fund their terrorist proxies throughout the region, including Hamas. They even negotiated a $6 billion hostage deal with Tehran just weeks before Hamas took hundreds of hostages.

The United States should have stood by our strongest ally in the Middle East after these heinous attacks. Instead, the Biden-Harris Administration criticized Israel in every effort to defend their people, appeased Hamas’ patrons in Tehran, and pandered to Hamas’ anti-Semitic allies at home and abroad.

Key Points

  • Under the Trump Maximum Pressure campaign, Iran’s oil exports were slashed and Hamas was starved of cash. However, the Biden-Harris Administration refused to continue enforcing sanctions and gave Iran access to a $100 billion windfall, which they used to supercharge terrorism.
  • The White House rewarded terrorists with concession after concession, even providing billions to a UN agency whose employees were directly involved on October 7.
  • Rather than expediting deliveries of weapons Israel needs to win, Biden-Harris slow- walked the approval of critical arms transfers, casting doubt on U.S. support for our ally.
  • The Biden-Harris administration failed to rally international support to Israel’s defense. It turned against Israel at the UN, where it refused to veto an outrageous Security Council resolution that didn’t even condemn Hamas for October 7.
  • Under Biden and Harris, the United States is living through a new Charlottesville every day. They preside over the most rapid increase of anti-Semitism in recent history.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration has spent the last year issuing pro-forma condemnations of anti-Semitism while winking and nodding to those engaging in it.
  • They have done nothing to hold university administrators accountable for fueling anti- Semitic protests on campus and allowing Jewish students to be targeted.

1. Biden-Harris Administration Policies Emboldened Our Enemies

Appeasing Iran

  • The Biden-Harris Administration begged Tehran for talks in February 2021.
  • When Iran wouldn’t meet, the concessions started. Less than a month into office, the White House rescinded UN sanctions on Iran, terminating the arms embargo and letting Iran buy and sell missiles on October 18, 2023 – not even two weeks after Hamas’ attack.
  • For years, the White House has refused to enforce oil sanctions on Iran, allowing Chinese purchases of Iranian oil to reach record levels, funding Iran’s terror projects.
  • It even offered to delist the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization during nuclear talks. That extraordinary concession would have allowed its members to get U.S. visas – even though they killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq.
  • Just weeks before Hamas took U.S. hostages on October 7, the Administration released $6 billion in frozen assets to Iran as a ransom payment for the release of five Americans.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration provided $1.2 billion to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, a Hamas-linked organization whose employees were directly involved in the October 7 terrorist attack.

Undercutting Israel and Middle East Peace

  • For more than three weeks after his inauguration, Biden refused to call PM Netanyahu.
  • His State Department called parts of Judea, Samaria, and even Jerusalem “occupied territories,” cutting bilateral development projects in those areas, and ordering officials not to refer to the Abraham Accords by their name.

2. Chasing De-Escalation at the Expense of Israel’s Security

Falling to International Pressure

  • In March, Biden-Harris’ UN Ambassador refused to veto an anti-Israel resolution that called for an immediate ceasefire and did not condemn Hamas for October 7.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration also refused to punish the International Criminal Court for issuing outrageous arrest warrants against PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for supposed war crimes. The White House whipped House Democrats against bipartisan legislation imposing sanctions on the ICC.
  • In the face of a radical UN resolution–demanding Israel’s withdrawal from “Occupied Palestinian Territory” and failing to even acknowledge Palestinian terrorism or Israeli hostages–we couldn’t rally more than 13 countries against it. 124 supported the measure. Chasing De-Escalation at the Expense of Israel’s Security

Chasing De-Escalation at the Expense of Israel’s Security

  • In June, the Biden-Harris Administration insisted Israel agree to its three-phase ceasefire plan, which Hamas welcomed as “consistent with the demands of our people and resistance.” The proposal did not call for a specific number of hostages to be released but provided numerous concessions to Hamas.
  • After Iran’s unprecedented missile and drone attacks against Israel in April, Biden told Netanyahu that he would not support an Israeli counterattack and urged Israel to “take to International Pressure the win.” Iran has since grown even more aggressive, launching 181 missiles against Israeli cities, but Biden insists Israel should not strike Iran’s nuclear sites.
  • Rather than expressing support for Israel’s bold operations in Lebanon, the Biden-Harris administration has pleaded innocence after IDF strikes, bending over backwards to deny involvement and let the world know we were not involved and did not have prior notice.

Antagonizing Israel

  • Since October 7, the White House has launched an “anti-Israel sanctions machine,” issuing new sanctions on Israelis on a regular basis with the clear intent to weaken Netanyahu and the Israeli right—and appease anti-Israel allies on the American left.
  • Harris has made some of the White House’s most anti-Israel comments to date, implying that the IDF is violating international law, claiming that “Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians” and that “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”
  • She has also sharply criticized Israel’s blockade of Gaza as a “humanitarian disaster” directed at Palestinian civilians and called on Israel to stand down against Hamas.
  • In case there was any doubt as to how she feels about our ally, she then skipped PM Netanyahu’s address to Congress to attend a campaign sorority event and told anti-Israel protesters she was open to discussing a full arms embargo against Israel.

3. Anti-Semitism is Rising in America under Biden and Harris

Fueling and Funding Anti-Semitism

  • The White House showed how unserious it was when in 2021 it re-joined the anti- Semitic UN Human Rights Council, which has passed more resolutions condemning Israel than China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela combined.
  • In its countering anti-Semitism strategy, the White House denied that “intense hostility” toward Jews is anti-Semitic unless violent and stipulated that treating Israel differently is not proof of anti-Semitism. It also touted the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is implicated in terror financing and whose CEO supports Palestinian “resistance.”Appeasing Campus Chaos and Anti-Semitic Protesters

Appeasing Campus Chaos and Anti-Semitic Protesters

  • After anti-Semitic protests on campuses, President Biden said “I condemn the antisemitic protests […] I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.” Why can’t he condemn anti-Jewish hate without caveat?
  • He refused to deploy the National Guard to protect Jewish students and break up Columbia’s encampments or take other action to restore order at American universities.
  • The Biden-Harris Department of Education Civil Rights Office has not investigated complaints of anti-Semitism at universities, giving administrators wide latitude to cave.

Groveling to Israel’s Progressive Opponents

  • Harris expressed sympathy for illegal encampments on campuses, saying the students are “showing exactly what the human emotion should be.” She also applauded a student who accused Israel of “ethnic genocide” for speaking “your truth.”
  • Walz worked hard to win over the anti-Israel lobby. Just days ago, he spoke with Emgage Action, which supports BDS and blames Israel’s “brutal siege [of Gaza]” for Oct. 7th.
  • Unsurprisingly, he also praised “uncommitted” anti-Israel primary voters as “civically engaged” and validated their views as thoughtful and “hold[ing] competing things.”