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Any remaining questions about Kamala’s dangerous foreign policy were laid to rest when she selected Tim Walz as her VP. His national security record leaves little to the imagination: He is a darling of the far-left who loves dictators and could leave our country waltzing into war.

Claim: Walz & Kamala will stand up to China as strong, experienced leaders.

Reality: He has consistently downplayed concerns about the CCP and its threats.

  • Walz claimed that worries about China’s awful authoritarian atrocities were “hyperbole.”
  • He said the relationship isn’t “adversarial” and forged closer CCP ties as MN governor.
  • Walz called for avoiding “scary China” rhetoric and fawned over China as “amazing.”
  • As recently as 2019, he called for more economic ties with China despite its rights abuses.
  • He told students to “downplay their American-ness” and put a Chinese banner in his office.

Bottom Line: With that record, it’s no wonder he honeymooned in Communist China in 1994.

Claim: Walz & Kamala will “always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself.”

Reality: Dangerous anti-Semites and the radical left were thrilled at Walz pick.

  • He praised anti-Semitic protesters as “civically engaged,” validating their views as thoughtful.
  • He has campaigned for and appeared with leading anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar.
  • He conspicuously missed a vote on a bill to enhance oversight on anti-Semitic incitement.
  • No one celebrated his VP pick more than Bernie Sanders, AOC, and other anti-Israel radicals.
  • He even acknowledged that anti-Israel pressure on Biden “bodes well” for him.

Bottom Line: Americans can be sure he would pander to far-left anti-Semites if elected.

Claim: They will “never hesitate” to defend America against Iran and its proxies.

Reality: Walz’s strategy would make Iran a nuclear-armed regional hegemon.

  • He championed the JCPOA wholeheartedly, stating that he did not “know of a better deal.”
  • Walz saw no problem with giving Tehran $150 billion in sanctions relief to fund its terror.
  • He mocked critics of the deal as blinded by “ideology.” Now even Kamala won’t support it!
  • Iran’s leaders routinely echo Walz’s belief that sanctions aren’t a “long term” solution.

Bottom Line: The only thing Walz has never wavered in is appeasing America’s adversaries.

Claim: Walz & Kamala believe in “tough, smart solutions to secure the border.”

Reality: The only thing Walz believes in is border insecurity and more chaos.

  • He once joked he would invest in a “ladder factory” to help migrants climb over a border wall.
  • Walz voted against stopping catch-and-release and DHS detention of dangerous criminals.
  • He signed MN laws to grant illegal migrants free tuition, drivers licenses, and health perks.
  • He opposed legislation to deport criminal alien gang members and lauded sanctuary cities.
  • He and Kamala called Trump’s border wall a “waste” but now feature it in campaign ads.

Bottom Line: Walz and Kamala can’t be trusted to restore order and defend our homeland.

Claim: They’ll “restore U.S. leadership” abroad and defend America’s values.

Reality: Walz has never met an authoritarian regime he didn’t like.

  • After meeting Syria’s Assad, Walz opposed military action despite his chemical weapons use.
  • He was a legislative ally of Cuba’s Castro regime, co-sponsoring a bill to repeal the embargo.
  • Walz backed the 2011 Iraq and 2021 Afghanistan withdrawals, fueling terrorist resurgences.
  • He tried to prevent U.S. forces from hitting dozens of terrorist groups by repealing AUMFs.

Bottom Line: Authoritarians and despots had few greater friends in Congress than Tim Walz.

Tim Walz’s national security record is more than weird–it’s dangerous. He has earned an F in national security. Kamala and Walz’s ideas will leave America waltzing toward weakness and war, and our enemies know it.